Senin, 20 Agustus 2007
olah raga
Sport and the European Union
"Some 60% of European citizens participate in sporting activities on a regular basis within or outside some 700.000 sporting clubs in Europe".
(Eurobarometer 2004).
Although not directed specifically at sport, many of the rules, policies and programmes of the European Union have an impact on the sports world or are of interest to it.
The European Commission is composed of Directorates-General and several departments. Within the Directorate-General Education and Culture, is the Sport Unit, which is responsible for the following main areas:
- cooperation within the Commission and with other institutions on sport-related issues,
- cooperation with national and international sports institutions, organisations and federations,
- bilateral meetings with sports institutions and organisations and international sports federations.
posted by si imam at 00.50

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